How to transfer a single player character to a multiplayer character using the Diablo Trainer Beta 3_4 (Thanks Enigma!). -Load Diablo -Start a single player game with the character you want to transfer -After the game loads press ALT-TAB to switch back to windows -Load the Diablo Trainer -Press Save to save the character to a file -Go Back to the Diablo game (It will be on the taskbar) -Press Esc to get the menu and select New Game -Select cancel to get back to the main menu -Select Multiplayer -Create a New Hero -Select the same class and name of the single player character -Start a Local area network (ipx) game * -Create the game -Once the game loads press ALT-TAB to switch back to windows -In the Diablo Trainer press restore -Type in the name of the file that you saved the single player to -Hit Ok and answer the prompts that come up -After the file is retored switch back to Diablo !!!Follow this EXACTLY!!!! -Press ESC and select New Game (This will save the character) If you try to move the character Diablo will crash, usually without saving the new character. Some of the items and inventory may seem a little messed up, but you can move them around and put them where they should go. I didn't notice anything that was permantly corupted or anything like that. * If you can't start an IPX network game, back in Windows you have to install the IPX network drivers. Do this in 'control panel', 'Network', and click on 'Add'. The IPX/SPX driver is in the 'Microsoft' group. These steps were formulated by me: Sam Shockey Visit my Diablo Page at: The Diablo Trainer is written by: Enigma